The sale of insurance products as a result of this web site must be for residents of California and with products approved for sale in California. CA LIC #6008657/ #0G23410

While this web site may be used to market or promote an idea or transaction that is displayed, it is intended to provide general information about the subject matter presented and is provided with the understanding that Palmer Financial and Insurance Services is not rendering legal, accounting, or tax advise. It is not a marketed opinion and may not be used to avoid penalties under the internal revenue code. You should consult appropriate counsel on matters pertaining to ERISA, legal, tax, or accounting obligations and requirements.



PO Box 172, Chowchilla CA 93610

Phone: (559) 248-0542    Fax: (888)328-7430

CA Insurance License #0G23410   /#6008657  

Helping you sort through the vast array of California's insurance products including Life, Medicare Supplements and Health insurance.



Palmer Financial and Insurance Services, LLC is dedicated to helping you sort through the vast array of group and individual insurance products including Life and Health insurance. Palmer Financial and Insurance Services works with many fine carriers to provide you with information for California approved insurance products.


Palmer Financial and Insurance Services began in 2009 which grew out of a successful insurance agency that the grandfather of Diana J. Palmer had for more than 20 years. Edward C. Hamill, of Hamill Financial and Insurance, was a man of integrity and kindness. He truly cared for his clients and many became lifelong friends. Edward's style of putting the clients needs first and truly listening to those he served carries through to how Palmer Financial and Insurance Services treat their customers today.

